Patent Searches

Conducting patent information searches:

  • patent and legal search;
  • thematic search;
  • company search;
  • definition of the art (search for document analogues);
  • patent clarity research.

The most active applicants in Ukraine in 2013 by country

Bureau “Otsaliuk and Partners” carries out various patent searches. With our help, you will be able to solve any legal, technical and tactical issues. Namely, we will help you to identify the IP objects that require protection, determine the novelty and level of invention of your creation on the basis of the prior art, help to identify the risks of infringement and violation of your rights by a third party.

In addition, we can identify the relevant documents to challenge a third party’s patent or trademark, also we will help you to identify the companies or inventors who are actively patenting in the same field of technology, as well as to introduce you to the latest innovations in the technical field.

Our experts have a solid experience in conducting patent searches which guarantee you a responsible approach and professionalism.

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